Happy New Year. RSU Vista Night Golf, the first night of 2025, Wednesday, January 1, 2025, RSU Vista Golf Course has renovated and changed the Tee Off platform of Hole 5 and Hole 6 to maintain the grass. Tuesday, January 2, 2025, opens a new era with the alternating Tee Off system, creating a challenge for the skills and care of the RSU Vista Golf Course team. Mr. Smarn Im-aim. Today, a Korean golfer and his wife came to play golf for the first time, Very impressed, What they call “Golf Tour Thailand”, do nothing, just come to play golf. We are very proud to receive today Honorary Professor ChangHun Kim from Korea University, CEO and Ph.D. of DeepXR Lab of the Republic of Korea for his Golf Tour Thailand today, Thursday, January 2, 2025 at RSU Vista Golf Course: Honorary Professor Kim and his wife applauded the alternate use of Tee Off Hole 5 & 6, the efforts of our staff Mr. Smarn Im-aim for the regular maintenance.
Saturday, December 4, 2025 Separate banana shoots & replant them, surrounding the Fairways, fertilize the collected leaves and grind them finely to make fertilizer, trim the branches that are too dense, plant seedlings, take care of watering, prepare to replant in the future. Hole 5, the waterfront has a pine tree that was originally abandoned, the base of the pine tree is dirty, the grass is thick, the dirt is hidden at the base of the tree, clearing, adjusting the area, when finished, will add soil and plant new grass. At night, water the course to make it fresh as soon as the course is closed and the golfers have left the course. Some are in the lawn mowing team in the morning from 05.00 hrs, cut all the grass in the field, using both machinery and various types of grass cutting equipment.
Monday, January 6, 2025, after the New Year, at 13.00 hrs, continue to adjust the waterside area at hole 5 of the golf course, clear the soil, remove all the wood chips, stumps, weeds, smooth the sand, dig the soil and find the water supply head of the lawn watering system, new task added, lay the water supply pipe, reinforce the joints to be able to supply more water farther, so that the grass will be greener and more beautiful. Remove all the logs and tree debris in the water, the water will circulate well. When finished, will plant grass to cover the area in front of the pine trees and behind. It is expected to be completed around mid-January 2025. Many team members worked together, thank you.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025, take care of, improve, develop, preserve nature, create beauty for RSU Vista Golf Course, till the soil, plant flowers to replace the original trees at the edge of Tee Off hole 1. Looking at the picture, it is beautiful. The edge of the trees has been adjusted & ground leaves are added. Trim the branches because in addition to the leaves growing thickly, there are also mistletoe growing all over almost every tree, stealing nutrients from the trees. The pine trees at Hole 5 are about to be beautiful. Today, we leveled the waterside area and helped remove large logs. They have been removed from the water for several days now, probably blocking the flow of water for a long time. Measured the area, prepared to install a water distribution system, watered the grass & will bring more soil to adjust the area as well.